Sunday, April 7, 2013

Porta Nigra - The Black Gate

Porta Nigra - The Black Gate at night
It's hard to imagine long ago there once was a large and impressive Roman city in Germany, but that's what Trier or Augustus Trevori was - Emperor Augustus' city in the land of the Celtic clan of the Trevori. This ancient metropole on the Mosel river has an entire program of interactive re-discovery about this magnificent gate along with the other Roman sites to see. It received its name from the locals, because the grey sandstone oxidizes and turns naturally black - hence the name Porta Nigra or the 'Black Gate'

If you are looking for an authentic 'Roman Holiday' - not just seeing this magnificent monument of Roman architecture, but an in-depth experience with living history, please write to us for more information about Days of Yore Travel. 


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