Monday, January 19, 2015

Learning to Make a Real Celtic or Medieval Bow

Learning to choose exactly the right kind of
wood for a bow at Ronneburg Bogenbau
 Anybody can buy or mail-order a sword from an online replica shop. They're nice, but somehow all the same. But, if you want to go back in time, and get the "real" Celtic/Medieval feeling about making one of the most deadly and precise weapons of all time, there is nothing better than learning how make an original bow from an Expert.

Meet Nico Veggiato - a Bowyer (Bow Maker) & Fletcher (Arrow Maker), who preserves the age-old traditions. 

Whether you want to make a European prehistoric hunting bow, a Celtic warrior bow, or a medieval army bow, Nico and his team of experts can teach you - not only how to cut, plane and sand a single piece of wood into an authenic period bow - but also show you how to make authentic arrow tips, how to notch arrows, and how to attach cut and attach feathers to them.

Nico's seminars take place in authentic surroundings - in the medieval castle of Ronneburg (built in 1231), just outside of Frankfurt am Main. 

In just two days, you'll learn:
  • How to select the perfect wood
  • How to shape a bow
  • How to braid a bowstring
  • How an arrow shaft is constructed
  • How to fletch (attach feathers to an arrow)
  • How to make arrow heads and attach them
  • How to shoot your new bow

If you would like more information about participating in bow-making seminars, write to us at Days of Yore Travel, or visit the Ronneburg Bogenbau website.

Here's where you get the real medieval experience in experimental archaeology - making the same kind of bow that once defended the castle walls you make your bow in.

This is where you can find their tentative calendar for Bowyer seminars.


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